オーエステンプは 新しい情報化社会のパートナーです。 |
「21世紀はITの時代」といわれています。20世紀ITはTechnologyが中心でしたが、21世紀はInformationが中心になると考えられております。誰もがそう思っている、当たり前のことばですが、最近の情報化社会を考えると、まさにこれからのビジネスの鍵を握るものとして、深い意味をもつことばです。 オーエステンプは、この時代背景を鑑み「大きさ」や「強さ」を誇る企業より「顧客と時代に適応し続ける企業」になりたいと考えております。顧客主権の21世紀。ベンダーに対する顧客ニーズも様変わりしようとしています。 |
従来のような「画一的な製品供給」から、一歩進んだ「提案型の特長ある製品供給」へ。 こうした変化を的確にとらえ、顧客の皆様への製品供給を効率よく提供していくことが、新しい情報化社会における私たち提案型エンジニアリング・ベンチャー会社の最も大切な使命だと考えております。
Being the Executive Director of OSTenp Japan, I am very proud to say that, our company is one of the best in Japan, who expertise in providing total solution to our telecom and datacom customers. Our company manufactures and customizes competitive telecom and datacom products for customers, and also work closely as partners with overseas reputable suppliers to penetrate into Japan market.
Throughout the years, OSTenp proactively engaging with customers and partners throughout the design-in and product development stages,
so we are able to develop competitive products to fulfill the requirements of corporations in various industries.
Our management team composes of professionals with diverse background in the telecom and datacom industry, with fruitful product development, business development and marketing experience in Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, US and China market. Our philosophy is to cultivate expertise with different knowledge and background, to leverage on our regional market and industry know-how, in order to provide competitive solutions to fulfill our customer needs.
OSTenp commits in building long-term relationship with our customers and partners. Whether your company is an end-customer looking for telecom and datacom solutions, or you are a supplier considering of entering Japan market, we strongly believe OSTenp will be the best partner you can work with.
In fact, I am really proud to be a member of OSTenp, to provide top-edge services to support the growth with our customers and partners together."
Baniel Cheung
Executive Vice President
OSTenp Japan